The Supreme Religious Authority determines the most important factors and elements of the success of the provision of public services.

The supreme religious authority identified the most important factors for the success and achievement of public services in the second sermon of the Friday prayer, which was held in the holy shrine of Imam al-Hussayn (peace be upon him) on Friday, July 20, 2018 corresponding to 5th of Dhu al-Qi'dah 1439 AH, and led by his eminence Sayed Ahmad al-Safi, in which he enumerated these factors as follows:

The first factor: He who seeks service has to have the knowledge of what he wants to serve, and this is one of the obvious things, so that not whoever wishes to provide a service claim to do when he is not aware of the specificity of that service. As for example I cannot provide a medical service if I do not have the medicine knowledge appropriate to that service. Therefore, it is a must that he who wants to provide a service to be trustworthy, have the knowledge and is aware of the service he is willing to provide and the category of people to serve.

If I am not able to serve, I should not say that I can because the service is not a slogan, but a realistic matter. I have to be a specialist of that service so that I can serve well, otherwise the service claim will be more abuse than beneficial.

The second factor: If I want to serve I must use good tools that will help me to provide the service I want. For example if doctors want to provide their services they must have special tools to help them provide the medical treatment and care, and help to strengthen and expand this service, and with any expansion more precise, strong and accurate tools will be needed.

The third factor: When I want to serve, I have to think of the time factor as I cannot provide any service without a schedule and time limit, I have to set a time limit so I know if I am able to provide the service on time or not. Setting time limits is important to stimulate the work and providing the service rapidly. So, time factor is important so we can put hand in hand and work together to achieve the goals set for the service.

The fourth matter: The most important factor: Trust: There should be a mutual trust between he who is providing the service and the served person. If the patients do not trust the doctor, he will not be able to heal them. So the main axis of any service is the trust between the two parties, which will ensure achieving the goals of the service. The service is not a slogan but a matter of fact.

These are the four factors of the minimum level to provide services in the right way.
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