Stores Department Provides Kids with ID

ID Distribution

Stores department of al Abbas holy shrine provides the departments of the holy shrine with their needs to pass Mid-Shaban visitation.

Mr. Ahmad R. Farhan, the chairman of the mentioned department announced to Alkafeel "Our staff can help other departments during the visitation such as Haram care and services staff".

Added "To guide missing centers to missing kids, the staff of the department listed more than 250 Thousands identification cards, where the name, phone number of fathers, and his address are listed. We gain information from the parents of the children. The centers for these ID locate in three areas leads to Karbala".

Claimed "Many bags with soil from the holy basement of the holy shrine distribute for visitors to gain the blessing of such a holy place".

It is well to be mentioned that Mid-Shaban visitation considers the second largest visitation in the holy shrines of Karbala.
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