The staff of the Al-Kafeel Museum of treasures and manuscripts at the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine, are eager to learn new skills in addition to their artistic skills in the maintenance and sustenance of the museum's carpets. Therefore, they were introduced in a specialized and focused course to learn the basics, arts and methods of handcrafting the museum's carpets.
The head of the museum department, Mr. Sadiq Laazem, spoke to Al-Kafeel Network about this course stating: "Within the program of developing the skills of the staff of the Al-Kafeel Museum of Treasures and Manuscripts, the museum held its twelfth session to learn the weaving of hand-made carpets. It is one of many courses organized by the museum in different museum areas. And because of the importance of the carpet in our museum, we have given it special attention. This course was aimed at raising the efficiency of the workers in this field and contributing to the preservation of this industry from extinction, as well as developing and imparting the technical skills necessary in the field of weaving and rehabilitation of carpets. This course was supervised by the expert Mr. Masoud Haidari, who taught them the steps of making a carpet and tools used in its weaving, as well as the designs and methods of implementing them on the carpet..."
On the other hand, the museum's staff have worked on the maintenance and restoration of an Indian-style flag, one of the ancient pieces that symbolize ancient civilizations of an Islamic character. The restored flag is made of special cloth (qadifa) and linen and embroidered with metal threads with inscriptions and floral and Islamic decorations. The threads were isolated from each other and sewed to fix them, then it was fixed on a piece of linen cloth that was sewn on the damages from the back, noting that the linen cloth was put in the water first to remove impurities.