The Office of the Supreme Religious Authority sends an emergency aid convoy to Lilan camp in Kirkuk province.

The Supreme Religious Authority in Najaf has given special attention to the displaced persons, and has harnessed its efforts to provide assistance to the displaced families who suffered from the occupation of the terrorist ISIL gangs of their areas. In order to alleviate their burden in this situation, the relief committee of the office of the supreme religious authority; Sayed Ali al-Sistani, has provided great assistance since the beginning of the displacement movement, to all areas and refuges' camps, following a time and space schedule prepared and continued even after the liberation of all these areas from the terrorist ISIL gangs.

The committee has now headed to Lilan number 2 Refugee Camp in Kirkuk province, to provide assistance to more than 320 families suffering from difficult humanitarian conditions.

The committee has distributed blankets and clothes from children and women, as well as nylon sheets to protect the camp from rain, as well as some in-kind assistance to patients.
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