Al-Wafa Campaign reached Mosul with more than two hundred relief trucks for the Yazidis.

As part of the "Wafa" campaign sponsored by the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine and carried out by the al-Abbas (peace be upon him) fighting squad, more than 200 truckloads of various relief items arrived in Mosul province, specifically to the areas inhabited by the Yazidis in Sinjar, Ba'shiqa and Bahzani.

Relief and support units and the Squad representations in twelve provinces in addition to the offices of the Wafa campaign, have participated in this campaign, which was not limited to providing aid and relief items but also had numerous meetings with Yazidi and Christian figures as well as visiting churches. It also met with a number of Christian families in order to strengthen the relations between the components of the Iraqi people and to express solidarity with those affected by terrorism in those areas.

It is to note that this campaign is part of several campaigns carried out by the leadership of al-Abbas (peace be upon him) fighting squad including the operations' districts of the popular mobilization or other groups, and had previously launched a campaign to support the Yazidis in expression of solidarity with them after the inhumane practices practiced on them by the terrorist ISIL gangs.
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