Al-Kafeel Division for Culture and International Media continues to publish the publications of the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine in many languages.

As part of the steps taken by the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine to convey the thought of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) to all parts of the world in different languages, this task rests with the al-Kafeel Division of culture and international media of the Department of Intellectual and Cultural Affairs at the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine.

"The staff of the al-Kafeel division for culture and international media are working to translate the religious and moral publications issued by the intellectual divisions and centers of the mentioned department," said Jassam Mohammed Saidi, the official of the Division.

He added: "We are keen in the Division that the translation into other languages is correct and prepared in such a way that the message is conveyed clearly and explicitly to the recipient, and this requires us not to rely on the literal translation of the text, but there is a redrafting and building a new text to be translated."

Stressing: "We have translated many publications into different languages, including English, Urdu, French, Spanish and even Chinese, as our ambition, God willing, is to translate these religious publications to all languages, to spread their message throughout the world."

It is worth mentioning that the access to these publications can be done through downloading the PDF format of the book from the al-Kafeel Global Network on the following link (al-Kafeel publications), or through the permanent book exhibition in the courtyard between the two holy shrines near the screen.
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