For the first time at the level of Quranic competitions, blind readers participate in the national Quranic team competition.

How beautiful to see that the verses of the Holy Quran are memorized in the heart without being seen, as the love of the book of God do not require all the senses. This is the situation of the team of blind readers who participated this year in the fifth national team Quranic competition held by the Institute of the Holy Quran of the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine in the holy shrine of Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon him) throughout the holy month of Ramadhan.

The blind team participates in this competition for the first time, and it concludes the reader Sajjad 'Ala, the Hafez Mustafa Tahseen and the interested by the interpretation Ahmad Karim, who expressed their great happiness to participate in this Quranic competition. The reader Sajjad 'Ala said: "Today, we are honored to be present at the holy shrine of the Master Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon him) to recite the Holy Quran along with the rest of teams."

Adding: "Our participation in this competition will be a good start for all those belonging to this category, in order to serve God's glorious book in the forums and competitions in the near future. So, all the thank is to the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine represented by the Institute of the Holy Quran for establishing such competition, which spread the Quranic culture in the holy month of Ramadhan, and all thank to them for their cooperation with us to allow our team to participate for the first time."
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