On Friday, 10 Shawwal 1440H, corresponding to June 14, 2019, a scientific symposium on terrorism was held at the Peace Conference, in which the delegation of the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine participated within the activities of the second cultural week of Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon him) in cooperation with the Association of European Religions, in the presence of a select group of scholars and academic researchers and representatives of research centers from European, Arab and Islamic countries.
This symposium is part of the series of programs that were prepared during the second cultural week of Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon him), as the delegation was keen to highlight this matter, as it came in memory of the martyrs of the Speicher massacre, to discuss the issue of how to deal with and eliminate terrorism; to establish peace and social security, as well as to address a number of issues and problems facing society, and the media's position in guiding negative thoughts, including terrorism, and the position of international law in general; and in Iraq in particular.
The purpose of this scientific symposium is to provide scientific and cultural services to be a source of knowledge.