The Department of the area between the two holy shrines contributes to the smooth movement of the visitors and processions.

Like the rest of departments of the holy shrines of Imam al-Hussayn and of al-Abbas (peace be upon both of them), the staff of the Department of the area between the two holy shrines contributes within its plan for the Ziyarat Arba'een, to the smooth movement of visitors and processions, in order to avoid the severe crowding in the square and its covered sidewalks or the places near the sanctuaries.
Among the organizational actions summarized by the head of the department, Mr. Nafie Moussawi:
- The deployment of a number of guides in the square between the Two Holy Shrines or in the vicinity of them, to resolve any situation of crowding or to guide the visitor to his destination.
- The installation of temporary metal moving partitions as paths for the passage of visitors and processions.
- Making round-trip routes to regulate the movement of visitors heading towards the holy shrines.
- Isolation of special covered sidewalks for women and for men to avoid mixing or crowding.
- Organizing the entry and exit of vehicles into the area between the Two Holy shrines.
Al-Moussawi explained: "All these tasks are carried out by the staff of the department in addition to a number of volunteers, and the work on the organizational side is continuing day and night."
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