The project of strengthening, developing and gilding the golden Iwan.
As part of the projects of the development of the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine, and after the completion of the project to strengthen the pillars of the golden Iwan and cladding it with gold tiles, the works began to strengthen and cover the external facade of the golden Iwan symmetrically with its pillars. In addition to the work of gilding there is the strengthening work of the wall of the golden Iwan to make it bear the weight the weight of the new roof of the sanctuary, as the studies and calculations carried out previously on the wall of the golden Iwan, proved its weakness to bear the new roof. So the works are done to make its strength the double of the old strength, in addition to the exposure of many old gold tiles to some damage because of the aging factor, weather conditions and negligence in the time of the former regime.
More about the project
Number of news 4
The project's pictures
Number of pictures 42