The Projects of the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine
The building project of the al-Kafeel Women Radio and the al-Kafeel Institute.
The project comes after the success of Al-Kafeel Radio of the department of intellectual and cultural affairs at the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine, and the expansion of the scope of its work and its services and the increase of its listeners' number. And to keep abreast of the scientific and technical developments witnessed by the media and because of its narrow work space inside the holy shrine. The General Secretariat of the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine decided to expand this project by establishing a new building for the al-Kafeel Radio to accommodate the new expanded studios equipped with modern technologies that meet the need for radio works.
More about the project
Number of news 5
The project's pictures
Number of pictures 33
Video about the project
Video clips 1