Video Library » Ashura
Videos of the Hussayni rituals performed by the lovers of Ahl Al-Bayt (peace be upon them) during the months of Muharram and safar
Number of views : 1,291,143 Number of files : 1,021
894 Watch
23 / 09 / 2018
Condolence procession of Bab al-Khan on the 7th of Muharram
Condolence procession of Bab al-Khan on the 7th of Muharram 1440 AH
2,487 Watch
10 / 10 / 2017
Ashura condolences processions in the holy shrines of Imam a
Ashura condolences processions in the holy shrines of Imam al-Hussayn and of his brother Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon both of them) during the days of the holy month of Muharram. thirteenth day corresponding to the October 4, 2017. (Part 2)
1,108 Watch
10 / 10 / 2017
Ashura condolences processions in the holy shrines of Imam a
Ashura condolences processions in the holy shrines of Imam al-Hussayn and of his brother Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon both of them) during the days of the holy month of Muharram. thirteenth day corresponding to the October 4, 2017. (Part 1)
2,154 Watch
07 / 10 / 2017
Ashura condolences processions in the holy shrines of Imam a
Ashura condolences processions in the holy shrines of Imam al-Hussayn and of his brother Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon both of them) during the days of the holy month of Muharram. Ninth day corresponding to the September 30, 2017. (Part 1)
2,451 Watch
30 / 09 / 2017
Ashura condolences processions in the holy shrines of Imam a
Ashura condolences processions in the holy shrines of Imam al-Hussayn and of his brother Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon both of them) during the days of the holy month of Muharram. Eighth day corresponding to the September 29, 2017. (Part 2)
904 Watch
30 / 09 / 2017
Ashura condolences processions in the holy shrines of Imam a
Ashura condolences processions in the holy shrines of Imam al-Hussayn and of his brother Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon both of them) during the days of the holy month of Muharram. Eighth day corresponding to the September 29, 2017. (Part 1)
1,287 Watch
30 / 09 / 2017
Ashura condolences processions in the holy shrines of Imam a
Ashura condolences processions in the holy shrines of Imam al-Hussayn and of his brother Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon both of them) during the days of the holy month of Muharram. Seventh day corresponding to the September 28, 2017. (Part 3)
1,276 Watch
30 / 09 / 2017
Ashura condolences processions in the holy shrines of Imam a
Ashura condolences processions in the holy shrines of Imam al-Hussayn and of his brother Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon both of them) during the days of the holy month of Muharram. Seventh day corresponding to the September 28, 2017. (Part 2)
772 Watch
30 / 09 / 2017
Ashura condolences processions in the holy shrines of Imam a
Ashura condolences processions in the holy shrines of Imam al-Hussayn and of his brother Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon both of them) during the days of the holy month of Muharram. Seventh day corresponding to the September 28, 2017. (Part 1)
2,042 Watch
26 / 09 / 2017
The condolences Ashura processions in the holy shrines of Im
The third day / Second part
738 Watch
26 / 09 / 2017
The condolences Ashura processions in the holy shrines of Im
The third day / First part
1,640 Watch
12 / 02 / 2017
A funeral Majlis in the hall of honors at the Al-Abbas's (p)
A funeral Majlis in the hall of honors at the Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine on the martyrdom anniversary of Lady Fatima Az-Zahra (peace be upon her)
3,274 Watch
20 / 10 / 2016
The condolence procession of the servants of the holy shrine
The condolence procession of the servants of the holy shrines of Imam Al-Hussayn and Al-Abbas (peace be upon both of them) on the seventh day of the martyrdom of Imam Al-Hussayn (peace be upon him) 17th of the sacred month of Muharram 1438 AH, 2016 Karbala, Iraq
0 Watch
The tenth of the sacred month of Muharram (night time)
The tenth of the sacred month of Muharram (night time) The day of the martyrdom of Aba Abdillah Al-Hussayn (peace be upon him)
4,232 Watch
14 / 10 / 2016
The condolence procession of "Rakdat Twayreej" on the 10th o
The condolence procession of "Rakdat Twayreej" on the 10th of the sacred month of Muharram 1438 AH
2,957 Watch
14 / 10 / 2016
Hussayni condolences' processions at the holy shrine of Aba
Hussayni condolences' processions at the holy shrine of Aba Al-Fadl Al-Abbas (peace be upon him) on the 9th of Muharram 1438 AH.
4,412 Watch
12 / 10 / 2016
The Hussayni condolences' processions at the shrine of Aba A
The Hussayni condolences' processions at the shrine of Aba Al-Fadl Al-Abbas (peace be upon him) on the 8th of the sacred month of Muharram 1438 AH
3,684 Watch
11 / 10 / 2016
The Hussayni condolences' processions at the shrine of Aba A
The Hussayni condolences' processions at the shrine of Aba Al-Fadl Al-Abbas (peace be upon him) on the 7th of the sacred month of Muharram 1438 AH
2,429 Watch
10 / 10 / 2016
The Hussayni condolences' processions at the shrine of Aba A
The Hussayni condolences' processions at the shrine of Aba Al-Fadl Al-Abbas (peace be upon him) on the 6th of the sacred month of Muharram 1438 AH
3,180 Watch
09 / 10 / 2016
The Hussayni condolences' processions at the shrine of Aba A
The Hussayni condolences' processions at the shrine of Aba Al-Fadl Al-Abbas (peace be upon him) on the 5th of the sacred month of Muharram 1438 AH